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Tips to improve public speaking

We all have to speak in public from time to time, whether we are giving a formal presentation, explaining the progress to our boss or management, talking to a team or meeting or delivering a speech to a huge audience. Good speaking skills is a bedrock for a successful professional as well as personal life. Good communication is learned through practice and preparation. Have you ever felt nervous or your palms sweat or your stomach ties itself into knots while undergoing a public speech? The average person ranks the fear of public speaking higher than the fear of death. However, there are several ways in which you can overcome your fear and exploit your energy in a constructive way. Let’s have a look at them:

1) Get Organized:

You should organize all of your thoughts and materials in a way that makes you satisfied. Choose a subject that you care about. When you speak about something you passionately care about you will be more comfortable and feel more confident in your element.

2) Practice Well:

Elbert Hubbard said, “The only way to learn to speak is to speak and speak, and speak and speak, and speak and speak and speak.” 
To get practice, seek opportunities to speak in front of others. Practice your speech in front of the mirror as if you were speaking directly to someone. It will greatly help when you pay attention to your gestures, facial expressions, and body movements.

3) Engage With Your Audience:
When you speak, try to engage your audience. Try to speak in a flow or rhythm. Force yourself to slow down by breathing deeply. Take some short pauses as it makes you look more natural and add public’s anticipation of getting your next point. Finally, avoid reading word-for-word from your notes. Instead, make a list of important points on cue cards to which you may refer from time to time.

4) Think positively:
Try to eliminate all of your fears of rejection. The audience is there to listen to you for a reason. Visualize giving a successful presentation, and imagine how you'll feel once it's over and when you've made a positive difference for others. There is always going to be someone in the audience on their phone or yawning. Remember that there will always be people who are bored or tired. None of these audience reactions have anything to do with you personally. Focus on delivering your material in the best way possible. Don’t worry about audience reactions.


Without communication skills, the ability to progress in the working world and in life, itself, would be nearly impossible. Public speaking is one of the most important forms of communication. If you speak well in public, it can help you get a job or promotion, raise awareness for your team or organization, and educate others.
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Written by my close friend Abeera Mahfooz!


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